Pedro Parrilla Software Engineer

My Expertise

Hi! I'm a software engineer in Granada as well as musician with knowledge about record and compose. In my spare time, i usually work with my little Raspberry and some IoT hardware like ESP32, and i try to mount some services as Nextcloud or home automation.




Featured Projects


AgroTech Platform

Final degree project about a platform where microcontrollers comunicates using publish-subscribe with ROS2 (DDS layer), and all this data is saved and displayed the UI implemented with Angular.

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Security Analysis of Near-Field Communication (NFC)

Class work about NFC technology and security breaches of Mifare Classic. If you have the doubt, yes, we manage to break the transport cards.

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Webpage using Flask and Python

Class work using Flask, Python and other tools. It's a webpage like Twitter

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A Multimedia Control Application with Java

Class Work using Java. The app let you to draw vectors, apply filters to images, record sounds...

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